
  editor = new EditorJS({

  holder: this.$refs.editor,

  // 自动聚焦

  autofocus: true,

  // 其他配置...

  tools: {


  i18n: {

  messages: {

  ui: {

  blockTunes: {

  toggler: {

  'Click to tune': '点击转换'



  inlineToolbar: {

  converter: {

  'Convert to': '转换'



  toolbar: {

  toolbox: {

  Add: '工具栏添加'



  popover: {

  'Filter': '过滤',

  'Nothing found': '找不到',

  "Enter a code": "输入代码"



  toolNames: {

  "Text": "文本",

  "Heading": "标题",

  "List": "列表",

  "Warning": "警告",

  "Checklist": "清单",

  "Quote": "引用",

  "Code": "代码",

  "Delimiter": "分隔符",

  "Raw HTML": "原始 HTML",

  "Table": "表格",

  "Link": "链接",

  "Marker": "标记",

  "Bold": "粗体",

  "Italic": "斜体",

  "InlineCode": "内联代码",

  "Image": "图片"


  tools: {

  "paragraph": {

  'Press Tab': '输入内容',


  "warning": { // <-- 'Warning' tool will accept this dictionary section

  "Title": "标题",

  "Message": "消息",


  "link": {

  "Add a link": "添加连接"


  "code": {

  "Enter a code": "输入代码"


  "image": {

  "Add border": "添加边框",

  "With border": "有边框",

  "Stretch image": "拉伸图像",

  "With background": "有背景",

  "Add background": "添加背景"


  "list": {

  "Ordered": "有序",

  "Unordered": "无序"



  blockTunes: {

  // Section allows to translate Block Tunes

  "delete": {

  "Delete": "删除",

  "Click to delete": "点击删除"


  "moveUp": {

  "Move up": "上移"


  "moveDown": {

  "Move down": "下移"




